
Day 1

Today is Day 1 of my official entrepreneurial endeavor. As you can see, the dining room is quickly being re-claimed as my very own home office - not too shabby! And if I may be permitted to brag a little more...I am becoming quite the expert in several previously mysterious domains, such as but not limited to, web host management, HTML theme modification and how to get around paying unforeseen duty on personal items being shipped across the border (I heart UPS).

I also need to give a shout-out to a Mr. Benjamin King from Bluehost. He very patiently walked me through my new web host site, hooked me up with some helpful (and free!) additional features, and put up with my Legally-Blonde-like commentary, all the while maintaining his friendly Midwestern cheer. [Insert Plug Here] If you ever need a web host, Bluehost is the best and Ben will get you all setup.

Benjamin King
888-967-7006 ex5691

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